
SWD (Secure Windows Desktop) is a platform type under the SRCP (Secure Research Computing Platform) service, which is an ISO27001 certified platform providing remote desktop and storage for level 3 data (confidential and sensitive).

It is an ISO27001 certified Managed Platform as a Service (PaaS) and compliant with the NHS Data Security and Protection Toolkit.

It is designed to be used by researchers who need to meet a compliance standard, in order to work with highly sensitive data.

Security settings

Data Storage - The ONLY location to access and store data is your project(s) folder in X:\SRCP.

Roaming Profile - Roaming profile only stores Desktop and App preferences.

Desktop & Start Menu - Fully restricted from creating or saving data. Context menu is also disabled and will not appear when you right-click.

Screen Lock - The screen will lock after 15 minutes of inactivity and requires you re-type your password to continue.

Disconnected Session - Disconnected sessions will be logged out after 6 hours of inactivity.

Idle Session - Idle sessions will be logged out after 8 hours of inactivity.


Disconnected and Idle session log out will result in loss of data if not saved beforehand.

Printing - It is not possible to print to paper. Print to pdf is allowed noting that all output MUST be sent to the X:\SRCP drive.

Explorer - From the Navigation pane you will only see the drive where you can access your project(s). “Quick Access” and access to local drives, folders and files has been disabled.

Microsoft Edge & Google Chrome

All web sites are blocked unless they have been approved for access.

There is a managed list of Favorites in Edge and Bookmarks in Chrome which identify approved sites.

All cached data will be deleted when closed

Microsoft Office

Only Word, Excel and Access are available

Browsing is restricted to X:\SRCP

Autosave is disabled and all caching is restricted to 1 day - files older than the number of days will be removed from the cache only when there are no changes pending.