.. _first_login: Logging in for the First Time ***************************** Once registered, the user will receive a welcome email. This email contains information about the SRPCS tenancy required for first login. .. warning:: If you cannot locate your welcome email please contact the :ref:`SRCPS helpdesk `. Configuring Two Factor Authentication ##################################### * Install the Two Factor Authentication application * Retrieve the Token * Configure the Application Further information, including how to recover from a lost token, is available :ref:`here <2fa_get_token>`. Logging in to a SRCPS Tenancy ############################# Preparing The Client Device ============================ Devices used to access a SRCPS tenancy must be operated within the terms of the :ref:`SRCPS User Security Policy `. Access to the SRCPS requires users to be physically at a University site, or using a University VPN if working remotely. .. note:: Instructions to connect to the VPN provided by the UIS can be found at: https://help.uis.cam.ac.uk/service/network-services/remote-access/uis-vpn/ Support for the VPN should go to the UIS Service Desk - via https://www.uis.cam.ac.uk/self-service or servicedesk@uis.cam.ac.uk Most modern browsers should work to connect to the SRCPS, however we only provide support for `Firefox `_ and `Chrome `_ on client devices. Currently the Citrix Workspace App is the only way to connect to the Secure Windows Desktop (SWD) platform; using a browser is not possible. Logging In ========== The only method of accessing the SRCPS is via a web browser, or the Citrix app if accessing the Secure Windows Desktop. .. note:: The welcome email will contain the URL required to get to the login page. The user will be presented with a login page: .. figure:: ../img/srcp-login-page.png :align: center :alt: Login Page :figclass: align-center :scale: 30% An Example Login Page Here the user will enter their Raven credentials to proceed. The first time the user tries to log into a SRCPS Platform they will be prompted to configure 2FA (Two Factor Authentication). For more information on this :ref:`click here<2fa_get_token>`. Subsequent logins will prompt for a TOTP code which the user will retrieve from their mobile device. .. figure:: ../img/srcp-first-login.png :align: center :alt: 2fa Prompt :figclass: align-center :scale: 30% An Example 2FA prompt.