PyTorch ======= The PyTorch `website `_ describes the library as: Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration. Setup PyTorch on CSD3 --------------------- * load a recent python and the pytorch dependencies:: $ module load python/3.6 cuda/10.0 cudnn/7.5_cuda-10.0 * create and activate a virtual environment:: $ virtualenv --system-site-packages ~/pytorch-env $ source ~/pytorch-env/bin/activate * install pytorch into your virtual env:: $ pip install torch torchvision * download and run an example program:: $ wget $ python Running a PyTorch program ------------------------- PyTorch will be able to run on both CPU and GPU. CPU submission script:: #/bin/bash #SBATCH --account MYACCOUNT-CPU #SBATCH --partition skylake #SBATCH --nodes 1 #SBATCH --exclusive unset OMP_NUM_THREADS #let pytorch & MKLDNN use all available CPU cores python GPU submission script:: #/bin/bash #SBATCH --account MYACCOUNT-GPU #SBATCH --pascal pascal #SBATCH --nodes 1 #SBATCH --gres=gpu:1 #SBATCH --exclusive python