Training modules ================ `LAB [001] Getting started <../soon/index.html>`_ ----------------------------------------------------- * Initial navigation around the Horizon interface: Overview * Locate most important services * Compute: Instances, Images, Access & Security * Network: Topology, Networks, Routers * Orchestration: Stack `LAB [002] Create you first network topology <../soon/index.html>`_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- * DHCP is handled by Neutron * Create first tenant network DMZ, Subnets * Allow external access using router to External network * Create an internal tenant network (Private) * Allow access from DMZ network * Create and attach Network SGs `LAB [003] Deploying your first service <../soon/index.html>`_ -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Attach to Internal and DMZ networks * Associate a floating IP * Check connectivity * Check SG rules and SSH Key * Log in over SSH * Create a simple Web sever - Hello World `LAB [004] Add persistence to your services <../soon/index.html>`_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Create a bucket. Access your bucket from your instance * Use object storage as a backup for your source code * Create container and copy original tetris code * Create a new volume and attach it to the running instance * Download source from your container and deploy it to your instance * Backup your volume using a snapshot `LAB [005] Orchestrate your service <../soon/index.html>`_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Create your first web service using a Heat template * Cloud Init and User data to configure and deploy source code from a provided URL * Apply or run post-configuration scripts * Attach cinder volume to DB instance.